Friday, May 11, 2007

The Sun is shining! Spring is finally here!

It's been a long time, I see. I have lots of excuses, but the only really legit one is that for the last month or whatever I have been unable to access the Blogger site due to a program on our computers. That is now remedied, and I'm back with nothing to say.

Except that the sun is shining and I really shouldn't be on the computer right now but out enjoying it. I'm not going to get much of a chance to enjoy it for the next while. So, that's where I'm headed right now. Take luck and care.


Kiwirose said...

dude, your colours are going to give me a seizure. I can't even spell that and it's going to happen.......

Saoirse said...

Seizures are NOT funny, as I have here's a different colour scheme! Please don't have one until you're gone and I can't see it, k?

Kiwirose said...

dude, so much better!