(original name was Jane, but my own was substituted in tonight by my mother)
Though Layne is just an average name,
This Layne is not your average Layne.
I really could at length explain,
But, in short, this Layne’s a pain.
I should be nice and not complain;
Poor little thing, it’s such a shame,
So pink, so young, yet all the same,
I wish she’d just slip down the drain.
Would someone buy this pain called Layne?
She doesn’t scratch, she’s completely tame,
She’s never been left out in the rain.
No fuss, no mess, we’ve got her trained.

This Layne is really much too strange.
She has no hair; she might have mange.
Look! She crawls—I think she’s lame.
“Is there some deal we could arrange?
Any more Laynes in our price range?
Can we return her in exchange
For some nice Layne who’s not a pain?”
Perhaps I’ll take Layne on a plane,
Then on some tiny local train;
I’ll leave her in the baggage claim,
Then quietly come home again.
It’s not her fault,
She’s not to blame.
She has such a tiny brain.
I guess we’ll keep her—
All the same, I can’t forget,
This Layne’s a pain!
What odd words you use to say,
Such simple things in that unusual way,
I would however disagree
With all these words right in front of me.
I would phrase it differently.
"This Layne's not plain,
she's far off odd,
she can be a pain,
but for that we blame god.
See he's made this girl,
with all her heart,
To see our world through it's swifting swirls
God laughs, she laughs, they're actually quite tight,not knowing now she's destined for great heights.
She's wierd, she's cooky,
she's a brain, and a bit spooky,
but most of all she's got something else, that no one else can see.
perhaps that is the answer,
to someone's woeful, misery."
That poem is weird. Oh, and the picture freaked me out. It's gotta be the hair... :)
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